Internal garden pics July 2024

Verge 3/7/2024

Pathway inside front fence – shaded all year round.  Lilly pilly hedge inherited from previous owner now small trees to allow sightlines through. Lomandra and dianella on left, Plectranthus argentatus further down, bird baths and Crinum pedunculatum at end.

Front bed – Acacia fimbriata (dead one still standing as a favourite perch for birds) This pond is in there behind the rosemary. Path edging at front recently redone to keep grass out. Gymea Lily with flower waiting to open, scaevola, Hovea acutifolia, Cyathea Cooperi tree ferns, grass tree,

Graptophyllum ilicifolium, Goodenia,Birthday candles Banksia, dead wattle in background, large Hibiscus splendens and Stenocarpus ‘Doreen’, Finger Limes, Baeckea virgata, various ground covers.

By front door. Shaded all year maidenhair fern, native violets, elkhorns on rescued stump.

East garden toward tank and back fence. Lemon tree and some food plants in foreground. Lomandra and second pond on left just out of sight. Dianella and Orthosiphon aristatus on left of tank with little bird’s bird bath. Behind tank is a smaller Acacia fimbriata, tee tree, Plunkett Mallee, Baeckea virgata, Cissus antarctica and Hoya climbing through trees. Bed on right has a Backhousia citriodora, lomandra, dianella, Eustrephus latifolius (wombat berry) climbing the repurposed pool fences.

Closer view of above. Poa in the pot by the bird bath, Brachychiton rupestris in pot used as a perch when they bathe.

Facing south. Another crinum, with Orthosiphon aristatus. Another rescued elkhorn in a pot of stones, trunk from acacia that came down (below.)

The back fence. Gap where large acacia recently came down – hoya still on remaining stump. Native bee hive, dendrobium orchid in basket, maiden hair ferns, crows nest fern, native violets, dichondra, another Stenocarpus Doreen (with some smaller ones out of view). Large Sambucus australasica and Eureka also out of view on the left.

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